ForestWatch Action Center

Protect Public Lands on California's Central Coast!

ForestWatch Action Center

305 Supporters

The Fix Our Forests Act, is a deceptive bill that prioritizes industrial logging over real wildfire solutions by fast-tracking large-scale logging on public lands, weakening environmental protections, and shutting out public oversight—tell your senators to vote NO!

1.1k Supporters

After the latest court decision about the Pine Mountain logging and vegetation clearing project, the area's unique forest and chaparral ecosystems are on the brink of being damaged with heavy equipment for decades to come. It's now time to appeal to local members of Congress to bring the Forest Service to the table and advocate for meaningful changes to the project before it's too late. Now more than ever, they need to hear from you.

879 Supporters

An oil company is using the Sespe Aquifer in Los Padres National Forest, just a half mile from the City of Fillmore's only source of water, as a toxic waste dump in violation of the Safe Drinking Water Act. Tell the EPA to reject the oil company's request for exemption from the law.

2.6k Supporters

Tell the Forest Service to abandon plans to expedite yet ANOTHER likely commercial logging project across miles of forests that are important to the Chumash, environmentally rare and sensitive, and adored for big healthy trees.

410 Supporters

Help secure the highest environmental protections for lands and rivers and improve access in Los Padres National Forest, Carrizo Plain National Monument, and across the nation.

3.8k Supporters

The Forest Service recently announced a project that would allow cutting of mature live and dead trees and removal of native shrubs across 368 square miles of the Los Padres National Forest—from the summit of Mt. Pinos (Iwihinmu) to Figueroa Mountain to Big Sur.

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